Usable mathemathical functions, variables and constants
Function input, f(x)
Here you can enter any expicit functions of 'x' in the form
Example: sin(x)+cos(x)
Note:-These functions, variables or constants (except e) are not case sensetive.
List of Functions, Operators and Constants
x - The variable used in standard functions of f(x).
pi - The constant PI.
g - Acceleration due to gravity
h - Planck's constant
e - Euler’s constant
Note:-Lowercase letter 'e' stands for Euler's cosntant, whereas uppercase 'E' stands for exponential notation.
like "5.2E-6" stands for "5.2 x 10-6"
abs(x) — Absolute value of x
acos(x) — Cosine inverse, i.e cos-1(x)
acosh(x) — Inverse hyperbolic cosine
antilog(x) - anitlog of x of base 10
antilog(x,n) - anitlog of x of base n
asin(x) — Sine inverse, i.e sin-1(x)
asinh(x) — Inverse hyperbolic sine
atan(x) — Tangent inverse, i.e atan-1(x)
atanh(x) — Inverse hyperbolic tangent
ceil(x) — Round fractions up
cos(x) — Cosine
cosh(x) — Hyperbolic cosine
deg2rad(x) — Converts the x in degrees to the radian equivalent
exp(x) — Calculates the exponent of e^x
floor(x) — Round fractions down
log(x) — Base-10 logarithm of x
ln(x) — Natural logarithm, i.e, base 'e'
max(a,b,c,..) — Find highest value
min(a,b,c,..) — Find lowest value
pow(a,b) — Exponential expression, i.e a^x
rad2deg(x) — Converts the radian number to the equivalent degrees
rand(x) — Generate a random integer
round(x,n) — Rounds a float to nth decimal point
sin(x) — Sine
sinh(x) — Hyperbolic sine
sqrt(x) — Square root
tan(x) — Tangent
tanh(x) — Hyperbolic tangent
+ : Addition. Add the two terms. Example: f(x)=2+x
- : Subtraction. Subtract two terms. Example f(x)=2-x
* : Multiplication. Multiplies the two factors. Example: f(x)=2*x
/ : Division. Divide the two factors. Example: f(x)=2/x
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